Ali is an author of children’s books including The Shapeshifter series (Oxford), The Monster Makers series (Scholastic), Frozen In Time (Oxford) and Dark Summer (Oxford). So far. She’s writing a lot more.
We asked a few pointed questions about her books, what she's working on next and what she's doing in a dark cave with lots of male authors...
Q: How come you’re an author, then?
A: Don’t really know. I think it’s just a thing that was always in me – like shingles. A dormant virus that eventually got a hold of me. I always wrote stories for fun, but as I was intending to be a world famous actress and singer, I didn’t pay them much attention. But I ended up becoming a journalist and then a radio presenter and then, finally, gave into fate and started writing children’s adventure novels.

A. It’s been worrying me too. I’m not sure how this happened, but it’s probably because all my stories so far have also been seen as very ‘boy friendly’. That, and I appear to have the mind of an 11-year-old boy. But I’m definitely a girl. I’ve had babies and everything.
Q: OK – quickly – name four favourite characters out of the books you’ve had out so far!
A. Dax Jones, my lovely Shapeshifter, but also his nemesis Spook Williams (whom I secretly really like), Aunt Thea in Monster Makers (who is a fit, funky, fabulous aunt who takes risks…) and Cuddlemite, also in Monster Makers, who loves people so much he cuddles them to death without realizing it.
Q. What are you scared of?
A. Big moths flying in my face, rollercoasters, Joe Craig and Invisible Fiends by Barry Hutchison (not published yet, but just you wait...)
Q. What have you got coming out in future that nobody knows about yet?
A. A series called S.W.I.T.C.H which involves a mad old lady scientist, twin brothers, a dog called Piddle and a spray which can switch humans into bugs or spiders or… well… you’ll have to wait. Out in 2010 I think…
Ali appears live on stage - trying not to be eaten - as part of Trapped By Monsters, 1pm on June 20th - to reserve tickets, click here.
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